Headshot of Chien-Ming Huang.

Chien-Ming Huang

John C. Malone Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Malone Hall 317

John C. Malone Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Research Interests:

  • Human-Robot Interaction
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Robotics

Chien-Ming Huang, a John C. Malone Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, studies human-machine teaming and creates innovative, intuitive, personalized technologies to provide social, physical, and behavioral support for people with a variety of abilities and characteristics, including children with autism spectrum disorders.

Huang directs Johns Hopkins’ interdisciplinary Intuitive Computing Laboratory and is a member of JHU’s Malone Center for Engineering in Healthcare, the Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics, and Data Science and AI Institute. An expert in human-robot and human-computer interaction, Huang is particularly passionate about using novel technologies to help special-needs populations. Drawing on human-computer interaction (HCI), robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI), Huang’s research has significant applications in healthcare, education, and manufacturing.

His lab develops interactive robot systems that work cooperatively with people to increase task performance and enhance user experience. Specifically, Huang’s team focuses on deciphering human behavioral cues (e.g., eye gaze) for recognizing task intent, synthesizing intuitive robot behaviors to facilitate collaborative activities, and developing interfaces and methods for people to re-skill robots to perform custom tasks.

Huang, who joined the Hopkins faculty in 2017, has received several awards, including being named a prestigious John C. Malone Assistant Professor at JHU. In 2018, he was selected for the Association for Computing Machinery’s (ACM) Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (referred to as CHI) Early Career Symposium and its New Educators Workshop for the ACM’s Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education. As a PhD candidate, Huang  received “Best Paper Runner-up” and “Best Student Poster Runner-up” honors at the 2013 Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) conference and was named a 2012 Human Robot Interaction (HRI) Pioneer.
