The Da Vinci Surgical Robot operates on colorful shapes.

Robotics, Augmented Reality, and Devices

Big data analytics has emerged as a promising tool for solving problems across many healthcare-related areas. Malone researchers develop and deploy measurement technologies, new methods to structure and mine data, and pioneer new tools for analytics that advance clinical decision support, prediction, and process modeling for healthcare.


Omar Ahmad

Director of Innovative Engineering, Department of Neurology

Jeremy D. Brown

John C. Malone Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Nicholas Durr

Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Gregory D. Hager

Mandell Bellmore Professor of Computer Science

Chien-Ming Huang

John C. Malone Assistant Professor of Computer Science

John Krakauer

John C. Malone Professor of Neurology, Neuroscience, & Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Axel Krieger

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Alejandro Martin-Gomez

Assistant Research Professor

Jeffrey H. Siewerdsen

Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, Radiology, and Neurosurgery

Shameema Sikder

Director, Center for Excellence for Ophthalmic Surgical Education and Training

Russell H. Taylor

John C. Malone Professor of Computer Science

Swaroop Vedula

Associate Research Professor

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