
  • Critical care personnel often must enter contaminated area to make simple adjustments to equipment such as ventilators or infusion pumps
  • Each visit requires use of another set of PPE masks, gowns, etc.


  • Low cost teleoperated robot systems with video camera and custom finger  to push buttons or operate touch screen displays.
  • Simple user interface with Bluetooth connection to tablet.


  • Collaboration involving  MCEH, LCSR, and the University of Maryland
  • Prototype in use at Johns Hopkins Bayview Center



JHU: RH Taylor, P Kazanzides, A. Krieger, B. Vagvolgyi,  A. Goodridge, A. Deguet, A. Gurses, M. Patch

UMD: A. Krieger, S. Murthi

See this project featured on NBC Nightly News | August 5, 2020