In: Data Analytics

Headshot of Ilya Shpitser.

Putting the science back in “data science”

Ilya Shpitser fixes common problems found in datasets so that researchers can use them to draw accurate conclusions.

Headshot of Ayah Zirikly.

Scientist Spotlights: Ayah Zirikly 

A new research scientist with both the Center for Language and Speech Processing (CLSP) and Malone Center for Engineering in Healthcare, Zirikly builds AI-enabled models that analyze social media posts and word usage patterns to predict mental health disorders and symptoms.

Headshot of Eli Sherman.

Eli Sherman named 2020 Google Machine Learning Fellow

With the fellowship, Sherman, a PhD candidate advised by Ilya Shpitser, will investigate how machine learning can help improve clinical decision-making and allocation of healthcare resources.

Headshot of Casey Overby Taylor.

Casey Overby Taylor earns NIH Genomic Innovator Award

Overby Taylor was recognized for her research in developing and evaluating methods to incorporate genomic results in clinical decision support.

An aerial shot of the Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen campus.

500,000 euros for COVID-19 study

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) award will support Helmholtz Zentrum München, Malone Center researchers as they investigate the mechanisms and complications of COVID-19 diseases.  

An illustration of the map of the world with location symbols and coronavirus molecules inside them. A person holds a tablet with coronavirus molecules in front of this map.

Hopkins researchers look to Twitter to evaluate social distancing measures

By comparing Twitter data from before and after the COVID-19 outbreak, Johns Hopkins University researchers found a profound impact on the...