In: Robotics, Augmented Reality, and Devices

Headshot of Russell Taylor.

Russell Taylor elected to National Academy of Engineering

Russ was recognized for his contributions to the development of medical robotics and computer integrated systems.

An illustration of three humanlike robots. The on on the left looks toward the one in the middle with no expression. The middle one wears a mask and opens its mouth. The one on the right has a heart-shaped balloon attached to it and appears to be smiling.

Canine Comfort

A hospital stay can be a confusing and scary experience for many children. Chien-Ming Huang and team are designing robotic companions, modeled after service animals, for pediatric patients.

Illustration of surgeons gathered around an operating table. The light shines down and there are symbols of graphs floating in the light.

Enter the Surgineer

Jeff Siewerdsen’s full-year course series, called Surgineering, aims to prepare graduate students to bring new engineering perspectives to the operating room.

Three humanoid companion robots.

Plays well with humans

In the not-too-distant future, robots might assist us at home, school, hospitals, and workplaces. Roboticists and ethicists want to ensure they do so effectively, and help rather than hurt—even if it's just our feelings.

Close-up shot of a mosquito.

How to best behead a mosquito

Russell Taylor and students design a device to make it easier for biotech company Sanaria to develop a malaria vaccine.

Headshot of Sergio Machaca.

PhD student Sergio Machaca awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

In the Haptics and Medical Robotics (HAMR) Laboratory led by Jeremy Brown, Machaca is investigating how haptic feedback can improve robotic surgery training.