In: User-Centered Design

Computer rendering of blood cells.

Johns Hopkins team awarded funding for non-invasive anemia test

The $1.7 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will help the researchers to develop a low-cost point-of-care tool for anemia screening.

Several pill containers and loose pills lay on a pink tabletop.

New method aims to optimize HIV treatments, improve quality of life

A Johns Hopkins team develops a way to personalize antiretroviral therapy to reduce side effects.

A group of four young people stands around a computer. One wears glasses and has a black prosthetic arm.

Putting prosthetics research back in touch

Researchers urge the greater prosthesis engineering community to listen to end users' actual needs.

Headshot of Mathias Unberath wearing a gray T-shirt in front of a whiteboard.

Mathias Unberath receives Google Research Scholar Award

The Google Research Scholar Program supports early-career professors who are pursuing cutting-edge research.

A student points on a screen while a robot arm hovers nearby.

Robot programming for everyday people

New Demoshop software makes it easier to teach robots to help in the workplace.

An illustration of three humanlike robots. The on on the left looks toward the one in the middle with no expression. The middle one wears a mask and opens its mouth. The one on the right has a heart-shaped balloon attached to it and appears to be smiling.

Canine Comfort

A hospital stay can be a confusing and scary experience for many children. Chien-Ming Huang and team are designing robotic companions, modeled after service animals, for pediatric patients.