In: Robotics, Augmented Reality, and Devices

Headshot of Mathias Unberath.

Mathias Unberath receives NSF Early CAREER Award

The award recognizes his work on human-centered medical solutions embodied in emerging technologies.

Benjamin Killeen gestures to a tablet in the Mock OR.

Synthetic data for AI outperform real data in robot-assisted surgery

While artificial intelligence continues to transform healthcare, the tech has an Achilles heel: training AI systems to perform specific tasks requires...

Headshot of Jeremy Brown.

Jeremy D. Brown wins NSF CAREER award

The five-year award will support his project titled “Improving Prosthesis Usability through Enhanced Touch Feedback and Intelligent Control."

Headshot of Jeremy Brown.

Jeremy D. Brown named Sloan Research Fellow

Jeremy D. Brown is among 118 Sloan Research Fellows honored for their exceptional early-career science research.

The STAR system robot.

Robot performs first laparoscopic surgery without human help

In four experiments on pig tissues, the robot excelled at suturing two ends of intestine—one of the most intricate and delicate tasks in abdominal surgery.

A student points on a screen while a robot arm hovers nearby.

Robot programming for everyday people

New Demoshop software makes it easier to teach robots to help in the workplace.