CS’ Ayushi Sinha has been awarded the Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship. Of 60 applicants from various divisions at Hopkins, only seven candidates were selected to receive the fellowship. Sinha is one of two students selected from the Whiting School of Engineering and the first Department of Computer Science awardee.  According to the Office of the Provost, these fellowships seek to locate, promote, and nurture the work of outstanding early career postdoctoral scholars at Johns Hopkins University.

Sinha’s research interests lie specifically in segmentation and statistical analysis of anatomical structures, and in using these in registration to provide context cues during minimally invasive medical interventions.

“Ayushi’s deformable registration work will enable ‘quantitative endoscopy’ applications permitting analysis of the patient’s sinuses without CT images by producing labeled models of observed structures, together with probabilistic estimates of anatomic features that cannot be seen directly in the video,” said Sinha’s primary advisor Russ Taylor, John C. Malone Professor of Computer Science.

Currently, Sinha is working to improve statistical models of structures in the paranasal sinuses and nasal airway. Using this statistical information, Sinha aims to improve video-CT registration to enhance endoscopic navigation during sinus surgery as well as other minimally invasive surgeries through the nasal cavity and sinuses in the absence of CT images.

“One of my goals is to work with students who will continue work in this area, teach them how to use and further improve the deformable registration framework we built, and explore different applications  to further improve computer assisted interventions,” said Sinha.

Sinha will start her fellowship this summer. To learn more about her research, click here.