Two Malone Center faculty members and their interdisciplinary research team will receive a 2023 Digital Education and Learning Technology Acceleration Award. Chosen from a pool of 15 submissions, “From Random to Deliberate Practice for Radiology: High-Fidelity Simulation with Artificial Intelligence-Generated Feedback,” a proposal submitted by Chien-Ming Huang and Paul Yi, has been selected by the Johns Hopkins Provost’s Office to receive a grant of up to $75,000 to support innovation in learning through digital technology.

This year’s winning proposals will receive a total of more than $374,000. In the six years since its creation, the DELTA Awards program has distributed more than $2.2 million in funding, enhancing education both within and outside the university.

Huang develops interactive robot systems that work cooperatively with people to increase task performance and enhance user experience, while Yi’s current research interests include the development and application of artificial intelligence and deep learning toward medical imaging applications. Joined by Francis Deng, an assistant professor of radiology and radiological science, and Jenny X. Chen, an otology and neurotology fellow, they aim to meet the rising demand for radiology training by developing a high-fidelity simulation platform that gives students AI-generated feedback.

See the full list of 2023 DELTA Award recipients and their proposals >>

Image Caption: Chien-Ming Huang and Paul Yi